Milwaukee Parks Foundation

Milwaukee Parks Foundation

Milwaukee Parks Foundation Branding | Marketing Materials | Web Design and Development The Milwaukee Parks Foundation is dedicated to supporting Milwaukee County Parks through fundraising, advocacy, and partnerships. When the organization consisted of only an...


In Context, Inc. Branding | Marketing Materials | Web Design and Development In Context, Inc. is a digital content agency specializing in SEO. They make content marketing accessible for digitally inexperienced business owners by giving them a framework to build their...


The Danforth Resturant Branding | Brand Guidelines | Marketing Materials Looking for a high-end but casual look for their island restaurant, the Danforth came to us needing a brand, hospitality materials, and a website. We exceeded their expectations with a bold...


VerdaSure Brand Development | Marketing Materials Web Design and Development Verdasure is a CBD testing company that creates an easy process for farmers to test their CBD flower for THC levels. With the help of an outside vendor, we helped name them, and created the...


Milwaukee Artists Resource Network Rebranding | RePositioning | Brand Guidelines  MARN is a non-profit that provides support and business resources to their member artists. We worked closely with staff, the Board, and MARN members during the brand research and name...